Nov 4, 2015

Time To Narrow The Gender Chasm in National Income Accounting

Want a break from all the money market stuff (Repos, CRR etc.) I’ve been talking about so far? That makes the two of us.

I have just what the doctor ordered - some mid-day comic relief from one of my favorite webcomics.

This also happens to be a great segue to the relatively serious stuff I’m going to be talking about in this post, which as you may have guessed, has something to do with “gender chasms” and something to do with “national income accounting”.

Follow the link below to read my full article “Time To Narrow The Gender Chasm in National Income Accounting”, published by Point blank 7 in May 2014.

Time to narrow the Gender Chasm in National Income Accounting

Point Blank 7 is an upcoming, independent news website focused on presenting a wide range of news and opinions (sometimes ignored by mainstream media) to its readers.

In this article, I’ve talked about the non-inclusion of unpaid domestic services (in developing countries, 90% of these services are provided by women) in the United Nation’s globally followed “System of National Accounts” and its devastating consequences for women. It’s a simple, quick and unpretentious read – great for gaining a speedy grip on this important issue.

If you’re a woman (or man) who’s feeling under-appreciated for all the mind-numbing yet life-sustaining chores you do everyday for your loving yet slightly ungrateful family (its OK to say that out loud, even if its grammatically incorrect), this will strike a special chord in your heart.

Note: Incase you were wondering (I know you weren't, but I'm going to tell you anyway) where grammatical liberty was exercised above - it was in the phrase "slightly ungrateful". It's like saying "I'm slightly dead".

With love,

- The grammar Nazi

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